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Meet The Governors

Kim Davies : Co-opted Governor / Co-Chair

I joined the governing body at Aston by Sutton in 2019.

I have been Co-Chair of the Governing Body since 2023 and I am proud to work with the governing body, Staff, Parents and Children of Aston by Sutton to improve the school over this period.

I am a director of a consultancy business within the motor trade and have a wealth of business experience ranging from marketing, accounting and business development. I love spending my weekends relaxing with my friends and family, walking the dog and running around with my 2 children. Both of my children currently attend Aston By Sutton so I have close links to the school.

I became a governor as I am passionate about the education of our children and will accept nothing but the highest aspirations for all the Children of Aston by Sutton so they can realise there full potential.


John Baldacchino: Local Authority (LA) Governor

I have been working with the School Leadership team as a Governor since 2014, My specific remit is school finance and I act as the Health and Safety Governor. Our children deserve to be educated within a safe and well-resourced school that is led by a strong team of educators and administrators. I am please that this is the case at Aston By Sutton. We would all like an unlimited budget for our children’s education sitting on the finance committee it is our remit to balance the school’s budget without constraining our children’s aspirations and achievement offering an enriching curriculum.

I have had two children be educated at Aston by Sutton and work to ensure that children within the current cohort have a similar positive experience.


Anna Plant: Headteacher

I am the Headteacher on the governing body.  I attended Bishop Grosseteste Teacher training college from 1989-1993.  From Qualification, I was fortunate to gain a teaching position in a large inner-city Primary school in Newham, London, which was a fabulous rich, diverse, fast moving and forward thinking local authority to work in, one where many government pilot projects took place.   I spent a very enjoyable, rewarding and innovative two years in this school. Following on from this, in my quest to further my career and move back where my heart lay, the North West of England, I moved to an Infant school on the outskirts of Crewe,  where I spent four very rewarding  years, growing and learning as a teacher. 

In January 1999 I joined Aston by Sutton school. During this time I have been the Reception class teacher, Y1/2 teacher, SENDCO and the Assistant Head before becoming the Headteacher in 2015.  I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of my role and feel proud to be part of the Aston family. I still teach 2 afternoons a week, teaching RE across the school, which I find is a brilliant way to keep in touch with the children in school.

Aston by Sutton is a wonderful, unique, rural setting, and we are proud of the well-established, warm and supportive family community and the hard work, enthusiasm and achievements of all our children at all levels.   This is down to extremely committed conscientious staff, very supportive parents and a committed, governing body.  

Governors play a vital role in the school. Prior to being a head, I became a governor in 2009 so I am aware of the role from both sides.   This role most certainly adds a valuable dimension to my professional career and development. 

Working with the governing body is an important role.  It enables a group of likeminded forward thinking, committed adults the opportunity to make collective decisions for the benefit, primarily of the children but in effect all members of the school community.  Staff members and parents work effectively setting high expectations for all.  As the Head teacher I work closely with the Governing Body highlighting the school’s successes, and planning for future growth and development.  This involves regular meetings and in depth discussions about the ways in which the school should focus and drive forward, aspiring to enhance learning opportunities and achievements for all of our children.  These have included a number of initiatives and training opportunities to help us all grow and learn as a governing board, continually improve and develop governor’s strengths towards leading and supporting Aston.  For example GAP training and Shaping Governance and an NGA review.

Throughout my career, I would say that I have been very fortunate to have been surrounded by great leaders, professionals and support staff that have shaped the leader I am today.  I am eternally grateful for the advice and guidance, support and encouragement that these people have given to me over the years, and I endeavour to pass these skills, qualities and support on to the staff at Aston and our community.


Kathryn Wright: Co-opted Governor

I started my teaching career in a larger than average school in Shropshire with over 550 children on role.  From there I moved to work in an inner-city Primary school in Wrexham before being appointed as the Year 5 and 6 Class Teacher at Aston.

I work for the Local Authority as a Year 6 moderator for writing and also a Specialist Subject Lead for English supporting other schools to improve.

As the Assistant Headteacher and a Co-Opted Governor, it is my role to support the Governing Board in delivery and communication of data and progress within school, provide updates on the school improvement plan and give current perspectives on where our school is.


Hilary Jones: Associate Member

I am a retired Head Teacher having spent a lengthy career in primary teaching.  As a governor I hope to enhance the quality of educational and social development  for the children of Aston by Sutton Primary School by drawing upon my knowledge and expertise, whilst ensuring the safeguarding of our children at our school.   This is of paramount importance while the children are in our care.

As a member of the governing body I hope to support the whole school staff in the provision of good experiences for the children.  I believe also in supporting the teaching staff in their development of professional skills.

Each one of us who plays a part in a child's personal, social and academic growth has a duty to equip the children for a challenging and exciting future.

Given that I have had a full career as a primary class teacher and headteacher my particualr skills are as follows:

English language, written and spoken and literature, art and design skills, History Science and Mathematics.  I believe this covers a full experience to support my role as governor.


Tina Horsefield : Non Teaching Staff Governor

I have worked in schools in various classes and key stages for a number of years.

I began by completing my NVQ 2&3 then continued to complete my Degree in Young Children's Education and Care, which includes the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. This has enabled me to become aware, focused and dedicated to ensuring young children are confident, resilient and determined in their attitude which will ensure they reach their full potential in later life.

I currently work in Class 2 with Miss Platt and feel we make a great team.  We both have the same attitude and aims for the children in our class. I am fully trained in Makaton, Elklan and First Aid and as a Emotional and Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA). Furthermore, I have worked with a variety of children with Special Educational Needs, including Autism and Speech and Language difficulties.

I became a governor in 2013 because I am passionate about Aston and love the ethos of the school and being part of the fantastic team.


Sara Griffiths: Parent Governor/Co- Chair 

I joined the Aston-by-Sutton Governing in board in 2021 and became co-chair in July 2023. This has been my first experience of school governance and I have enjoyed increasing my knowledge of Aston and wider education. The drive to make sure children at Aston have access to the best experiences and curriculum is why I wanted to become governor, to help all of them achieve their own potential.

I have been an Occupational Therapist (OT) for 16 years and now manage a front-line local authority team of OTs and Social Workers. I have a wide range of experience working with young people with physical disabilities and special educational needs, risk assessing, managing budgets, stakeholder engagement and policy development. I have worked alongside children’s services in this time and experienced safeguarding processed and procedures.

Both my children attend Aston-by-Sutton currently and having experienced school life for a number of years I feel this contributes value to the role of governor and allows good understanding of the school’s ethos and vision. Away from work I enjoy spending time with family and friends, cooking and walking.


Laura Walker - Parent Governor

I joined the governing body at Aston By Sutton in 2023.

I am a social worker and work for an independent fostering agency, supervising foster carers who support children in the care system. I have held many other social work roles and have experience in safeguarding, child development and assessment.

I have previously worked in primary and secondary schools as an assistant head of year, learning mentor and safeguarding lead. I have also held previous Governor roles as a LA Governor and parent Governor.

I moved both of my children to Aston by Sutton as in year transfers in 2023. They are now in Y6 and Y3.

My spare time is taken up by football, with both my daughters playing for 2 local football teams each!

I became a Governor as I want to be actively involved in school life, providing the voice of a parent to the school community and holding the school to high standards for students and staff.


Deborah Faragher - Co-Opted Governor


Co-Opted Governor

I took up the position of governor in 2023.

Although it’s my first school governor position, I am really excited to be involved with Aston by Sutton. I attended Aston school as a pupil many years ago and have lots of fond memories of my time at Aston. In September 2022, my daughter started Aston by Sutton school.

I am passionate about driving an inclusive culture, where children can come to school, thrive through learning, creativity and most importantly be happy. I am also a big advocate of supporting school fund raising.

I currently own 2 small businesses and have run these companies successfully for the last 20 years. I am hoping to bring, my passion for success, leadership, and local commercial experience to my role as governor. I have a partner and 3 small children. We enjoy spending time as a family and love the outdoors. I am passionate about travelling, and before starting my family I spent time travelling and working in countries, such as Nepal, India, and America.

I also coach a youth netball team.


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