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4. How will both you and I know how my child is doing and how will you help me to support my child's learning?

All children at Aston are tracked using our school’s assessment schedule; this takes place at least 3 times a year. Children are continually assessed through each daily lesson and areas for development are highlighted and worked upon. Progress is currently assessed using Track which carefully tracks individual children’s progress towards the end of year expectations.

For children who identified additional needs, the class teacher will meet with parents/carers at least three times a year to discuss their needs, support and progress and the SENDCo can attend this meeting if required. This is usually to discuss progress towards targets that have been set on an Individual Education/Behaviour plan and using the Cheshire pupil profile. Targets will be reviewed alongside parents, and children as appropriate, and new targets discussed. Children who are in receipt of additional funding have both long and short term outcomes that are agreed at each annual review and these are regularly referred to, to ensure progression towards these targets is ongoing.

If children are not making expected progress, the SENDCo will identify why, alongside the class teacher, and new targets will be adjusted. We may seek external support to offer further advice to support your child.

We have an open-door policy where you are welcome any time to make an appointment to 

meet with either the class teacher or SENDCo and discuss how your child is getting on. We can offer advice and practical ways that you can help your child at home depending on the individual needs of your child.

We believe that your child’s education should be a partnership between parents and teachers, therefore we aim to keep communication channels open and communicate regularly, especially if your child has complex needs.

If your child has complex SEND, they may have an EHC Plan (Education Health Care Plan) which means that a formal Annual Review will take place to discuss your child’s progress and a report will be written. This can also be done at a six monthly review if changes to circumstances occur or concerns arise from school or parents.

Parents and children are always invited to an annual review and will be asked for their input both before and during the review process. We will look over your child’s outcomes (both long and short term) and discuss the progress that has been made. Then we will look at what aspirations you have for your child for both the forthcoming year, and in the longer term. Cheshire West and Cheshire have also produced an ‘Our Story’ which is for parents to share the child’s background and history and this is updated each year.

Evaluating our provision

At Aston, we constantly strive to improve and support all children in achieving their full potential. Each child is viewed as an individual and our SEND provision is monitored closely by both our SENDCo and governors. We regularly evaluate all additional support that is in place, including intervention sessions, and analyse data to identify what has been successful. Teaching assistants feedback termly to the SENDCo about children they have supported and whether their needs have been addressed.

At the end of each term, data is analysed for all cohorts and individual children to identify those who have not made expected progress. Staff complete pupil progress grids which are evaluated with the senior leadership team and the SENDCo is regularly involved in these discussions.

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