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2. How will school support my child? What additional needs are provided for at Aston?

The SEND code of practice identifies 4 main areas of need:

  • Cognition and learning
  • Communication and interaction
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Physical/ and or sensory needs.

At Aston, children are supported in all 4 areas of need and we strive to be an inclusive school. Staff regularly attend training and share their expertise when they return to school.

A child who wishes to join our school, who currently has an education and healthcare plan, will have their plan sent to the school and parents are usually invited in to discuss their child’s needs. We will work alongside parents to identify whether we are the most suitable setting for their child and will take advice from both external professionals and the local SEN team.  Children who enter school with an education and healthcare plan will take part in a detailed transition and usually a home visit in the early years.

Class Teachers plan lessons according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class, and will ensure that work is adapted to enable your child to access their learning as independently as possible.

Teaching Assistants implement the teacher’s modified/adapted planning to support the needs of your child where necessary. Specific resources and strategies will be used to support your child individually and in groups if it is deemed that this is appropriate.


Children who have been identified as having additional needs are tracked and monitored vigorously by the Senior Leadership team through our normal assessment procedures. Individual and small group assessments are monitored by the SENDCo often with start and end assessments taking place along with open discussion throughout the course of the programme. Adaptations are made whenever needed to ensure that the full needs of the pupils are met.

The Governing Body receive a termly SEN overview and report from the SENDCO which details the provision and identifies the numbers of children with SEN in each cohort (year group). There is also a link SEN Governor (Laura Walker) who meets regularly with the SENDCO during the school year to discuss and monitor the provision we provide is of high quality and consistent.

Occasionally, children will be identified as needing additional support above and beyond that provided in the classroom. School will provide additional support from the budget for a child using funding that is calculated on a range of factors including levels of FSM and achievement at the end of the Foundation Stage.

Some children may require further support and school can apply for additional funding to support your child. This funding will be a ‘top up’ to the school budget. This is decided by a panel of people who meet monthly and includes headteachers, SEN consultants and other professionals.

If it is decided that your child requires additional funding, school will liaise directly with parents to discuss the best approach to ensure that your child continues to be included in Aston by Sutton Primary School and we work together to reduce barriers to learning and achievement.


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